Featured Posts
Time to accept that wind farm costs are not falling
There has been a consistent narrative that the cost of building new wind farms is falling, with falling subsidy [...]
Windfall tax harms oil and gas production and must be cut
In May last year, the UK Government introduced a windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies [...]
Why Norway’s views on energy security should ring alarm bells across Europe
Norway's energy security would appear to be a done deal, yet the past couple of years have been very [...]
Addressing the high real cost of renewable generation
Over the past few months we have been inundated with claims from interested parties that more renewables are the [...]
Recent Posts
Domino effect: exit of gas shipper may push more suppliers to fail
This week has seen the failure of three more energy suppliers: Pure Planet which supplies gas and electricity to around 235,000 domestic customers, Colorado Energy with around 15,000 domestic customers, and Daligas with around 9,000 domestic and non-domestic customers. [...]
Security of supply is shakier than it has been in decades
Current high gas prices combined with a period of low wind output in September have re-awakened concern about security of supply, including among the general public – today my doctor asked me if he was going to be able [...]
Life continues to be difficult for energy suppliers
Life continues to be difficult for energy suppliers. This week Omni Energy informed its customers that it expects to cease trading by the end of November, and is encouraging its customers to switch before it closes and a Supplier [...]
A very volatile day for global gas markets
Gas markets were highly volatile today as prices went on a roller-coaster ride - front month NBP futures on ICE reached an unprecedented £4 /therm! Similar trends were seen in European markets with the key TTF benchmark exceeding €160 [...]
Global coal markets are also suffering shortages as gas crunch bites
While the world’s attention is on the current global gas shortage, a similar dynamic is playing out in the coal markets, with coal shortages creating difficulties in the power sector, even in countries with significant domestic production. Bergkamen A, [...]
Increased gas demand from China sees global prices rise further
In researching the new gas courses for my training programme, I discovered the etymology of the word “gas” - appropriately, it derives from the Greek word khaos meaning “chaos”. Sixteenth century Flemish scientist Joannes Baptista van Helmont, was interested [...]
Another three energy suppliers fail – they are unlikely to be the last
Today another three suppliers failed: ENSTROGA, Igloo Energy and Symbio Energy all announced they have ceased trading. ENSTROGA had around 6,000 domestic customers, Igloo had roughly 179,000 domestic customers, while Symbio supplied around 48,000 domestic customers and a small [...]
The Government is showing fresh interest in new nuclear but can it avoid repeating past mistakes?
Against the backdrop of the current energy crisis comes the news that the Government is looking at new proposals for a nuclear reactor at Wylfa Newydd. The original proposal was for an Advanced Boiling Water Reactor ("ABWR"), but after [...]
Electric shock: the Government struggles to address the energy market crisis
The energy market crisis is suddenly big news. It is impossible to open a newspaper or turn on the television or radio without hearing stories of rising bills and supplier bankruptcies. Energy is no longer a footnote in the [...]
Welcome to the launch of Watt-Logic Training!
Today I am (finally) launching Watt-Logic Training, a new programme of online energy training courses. It has been a longer journey than I hoped – the IT was much more complicated than I thought it would be – but [...]
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