Watt-Logic Blog2023-10-15T23:45:38+00:00

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Can Norway be the battery of Europe?

In October, the 1,400 MW interconnector between Britain and Norway, known as the North Sea Link, began commercial operations. The €1.6 billion project is a joint venture between National Grid and Norwegian system operator Statnett. Unlike the other markets [...]

01 February 2022|

An alternative Christmas Carol

Had a certain Mr Dickens been around this year, I like to think that his Christmas-themed morality tale might have gone a little differently... It was a cold, dark Christmas eve, and the Prime Minister, like most other souls [...]

21 December 2021|

A new approach to energy regulation

Today I was invited to speak at this month's meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies on the subject of the current energy crisis, and what should be done about it. Here is my presentation, setting out the [...]

07 December 2021|
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