Featured Posts
Time to accept that wind farm costs are not falling
There has been a consistent narrative that the cost of building new wind farms is falling, with falling subsidy [...]
Windfall tax harms oil and gas production and must be cut
In May last year, the UK Government introduced a windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies [...]
Why Norway’s views on energy security should ring alarm bells across Europe
Norway's energy security would appear to be a done deal, yet the past couple of years have been very [...]
Addressing the high real cost of renewable generation
Over the past few months we have been inundated with claims from interested parties that more renewables are the [...]
Recent Posts
De-carbonising everything: is CCU the answer?
I have bemoaned in previous posts the dependence of de-carbonisation goals on carbon capture and storage (“CCS”), a process that has yet to demonstrate commercial viability, other than in the context of enhanced oil recovery, which is hardly supportive [...]
Relying on interconnectors for security of supply carries risks
Last week Will Gardiner, chief executive of Drax Group, told the Guardian newspaper that Britain’s increasing reliance on electricity imports through the use of interconnectors is a threat to energy security, and will result in the country importing carbon [...]
Market coupling failures undermine the Internal Energy Market
There are two main pillars to European energy policy: the internal energy market (“IEM”) and the Climate Change Package. The IEM was the result of extending the Single Market into energy, and involved the unbundling of networks from generation [...]
Oil price rise set to continue after US pulls out of Iran deal
Oil prices have been in the doldrums since the collapse from record highs of over US$110 /barrel in June 2014, broadly trading sideways in a US$ 40-60 range until late last year, when prices broke out, and passed US$70 [...]
De-carbonisation of heat will be an expensive challenge
In the last few weeks there have been a number of announcements by the Government and others on the challenging subject of the de-carbonisation of heat. Heating and cooling currently accounts for nearly half of UK energy consumption, and [...]
Transmission charging: outcome of judicial review uncertain but changes are inevitable
Last week the legal challenge issued by Peak Gen and seven other companies against Ofgem’s decision last year to change the charging base for the demand residual component of transmission charges was heard at the Royal Court’s of Justice [...]
Energy innovation continues, but regulatory change is proving truly disruptive
Today my energy blog, Watt-Logic is two years old! Another interesting year… Looking back at what I wrote a year ago proves what I’ve said before about making predictions in this market (or otherwise). Writing just a couple of [...]
Energy retail increasingly challenging for smaller suppliers
The energy retail sector has once again been in the news with the big energy companies raising prices - British Gas announced an average 5.5% increase, followed by EDF with a more modest 1.4% rise. Both companies linked the price [...]
Battery storage business models emerge against a changing regulatory backdrop
2017 saw 200MW of new battery storage projects coming online in Britain. As the market develops, various business models are emerging, however project sponsors face challenges in developing these models against a backdrop of a changing regulatory landscape that [...]
The digitisation of energy: another dimension to the energy transition
When people speak about the “energy transition” they mean de-carbonisation and its associated changes, however another fundamental change in the market is taking place at the same time: the digitisation of energy. Technology is enabling more and more devices [...]
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