Future Concepts

Policy and financial innovation as important as new technologies in the energy transition

Energy policy is frequently described in terms of the “trilemma”: decarbonisation, security of supply and affordability. Delivering this three-pointed objective requires a three-pointed approach: technological, policy and financial innovation. None of these in isolation can deliver the energy policy objectives. Technological innovation delivers new [...]

2019-06-17T13:06:40+00:0017 November 2016|Energy pricing, Future concepts|0 Comments

CCS: is it all just hot air?

Last week I attended an Energy Institute debate on the subject “Meeting the Carbon Budgets – how “disruptive” technologies could be game changers towards a low carbon future.” The eminent speakers gave an overview of the challenges arising from the Paris agreement in 2015 [...]

2019-06-13T12:15:23+00:0012 July 2016|Future concepts, Storage|0 Comments
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