Yesterday saw a blackout near miss in what turned out to be the tightest day the GB electricity market has seen since 2011. Wind power was 2.5 GW through the evening peak, solar was (obviously) zero and there were significant interconnector outages leaving expected capacity at just 5.7 GW. Had just one large power station tripped this evening, demand control would have been a real prospect.
In this post I will walk through what happened, and how close we came to wide-scale loss of load (demand control means the National Energy System Operator, NESO, will disconnect parts of the country to avoid uncontrolled blackouts). Friday is also looking tight so it’s worth understanding what happened on 8 January, whether the situation could have been managed better, and just how close we came to demand control.
An unfolding challenge
Market forecasts eg the ones available on Amira Technologies’ dashboard (see below) had been signposting tightness for Wednesday 8 January and Friday 10 January. The snapshot below was taken at around 8am on the 8th, and shows this expected tightness – similar snapshots last week showed similar expectations for Wednesday and Friday. So the market saw some of this coming.
The next clue that things were tight was that NESO issued the first Electricity Market Notice of the winter at 8:36pm last night:
An ELECTRICITY MARGIN NOTICE has been issued by the National Energy System Operator to encourage market actions to increase System Margins. For the period: from 16:00 hrs to 19:00 hrs on Wednesday 08/01/2025 There is a reduced system margin. System margin shortfall 1700 MW The current contingency requirement is 1000 MW. 300 MW of generation is excluded from the available system margin due to system constraints.
Maximum Generation Service may be instructed. Trading Points, Control Points and Externally interconnected System Operators are requested to notify National Energy System Operator of any additional MW capacity. Suppliers please advise National Energy System Operator of any additional Demand Control available. The situation will be reviewed again by National Energy System Operator at 07:00 hours and an update issued.
This was updated at 6:59am today to read:
System margin shortfall 1700 MW. The current contingency requirement is 900 MW. 0 MW of generation is excluded from the available system margin due to system constraints
And again at 11:58am to:
System margin shortfall 1120 MW The current contingency requirement is 448 MW. 0 MW of generation is excluded from the available system margin due to system constraints.
Before being cancelled at 4:19pm, after the start of the period covered by the notice.
In other words, as the day went on curtailment was cut to zero and additional generation found to reduce the margin shortfall.
A Capacity Market Notice was issues at 12:01pm and cancelled half an hour later.
What is an Electricity Market Notice?
An Electricity Market Notice (“EMN”) is issued when the spare capacity does not cover the contingency NESO has decided is necessary. For example if the contingency requirement is 1000 MW but there is only 500 MW of spare capacity, there would be a shortfall of 500 MW.
“If we can see that our normal safety margin for operating the system is not as big as we’d like, and we can’t address it through the normal mechanisms, then we would consider issuing an Electricity Margin Notice… If our safety margins for operating the system are reduced, a Capacity Market Notices (CMN) might also be issued as an alert to providers in the capacity market,”
While EMNs and CMNs are based on the same fundamental data including generator availability and demand forecasts, they are issued based on different thresholds and with different lead times. EMNs are issued by control room staff using operational and engineering judgements, based on their “experience, skill and knowledge of managing the electricity system”. CMNs are triggered automatically four hours ahead of real-time based on specific industry data about the system’s safety margin.
This means EMNs and CMNs can be issued and active at different times. It’s not unusual for a CMN to be triggered and for the control room staff to scratch their heads because they do not consider the system to be tight.
The chart illustrates when and why an EMN and CMN might be issued during the 24 hours up to delivery. The coloured line indicates the forecast buffer of surplus capacity above demand and the operating margin that NESO is required to hold to operate the system when it comes to delivery.
When an EMN is active, any generator that has technical availability to run must make itself available in the Balancing Mechanism (“BM”). Normally periods of EMNs coincide with high market prices, so there is a strong incentive for generators to run, but if they are concerned about reliability, the costs of trips would similarly be high which could make them reluctant to take the risk. There can be other reasons not to run, such as wanting to delay triggering maintenance (although again, when prices are high there would be a strong incentive to run that day and not run another day despite potentially being in the money). In any case, there are legitimate reasons that a generator may not plan to run despite being technically available. During an EMN, this choice is removed, but the generator is able to choose its Bids and Offers in the BM, and can select high prices if it has concerns about running.
During an EMN, NESO also asks suppliers about demand control availability. This is to help NESO to get a better picture of the demand that can be saved through demand control.
Demand control can become necessary under two different conditions – a sudden or short-duration electricity shortfall affecting a specific region, or the whole country, or a prolonged shortfall affecting a specific region or the whole country. The latter case is the one which could arise on days when the market is tight. The former usually occurs when something breaks or trips suddenly without notice.
If a prolonged shortfall is expected, NESO and the Distribution Network Operators (“DNOs”) would be directed by the government to implement rota disconnections using the process defined in the Electricity Supply Emergency Code. This means different regions can be taken off supply for periods of four hours at a time until the issue is resolved. This process ensures fairness, so that consumers are affected evenly, while protecting those who require special treatment. Once invoked, this process allows the government to direct NESO to implement rota disconnections for up to 90% of demand at 1 days’ notice.
In the context of an EMN, it’s unlikely that there would be a day’s notice at the start. Today, had there been a significant trip during the evening peak, such as the NSL interconnector (1.4 GW) then there could have been a sudden frequency event. If a smaller unit such as a 500 MW gas plant tripped, this may reduce the spare margin to such a degree that NESO decided to implement Demand Control to prevent the risk of a country-wide blackout. It would use the data provided by suppliers and DNOs, as well as its view on grid constraints and other physical considerations, when deciding which regions should be disconnected.
A High Risk of Demand Control (“HRDR”) notice or Demand Control Imminent (“DCI”) notification would be issued by NESO once it became clear that demand control was becoming likely.
What happened on 8 January 2025?
On 5 January, NESO published its peak demand forecast for 8 January at 43.267 GW. Generator availability was expected to be 47.425 GW, and interconnector availability 6.674 GW. The operational planning margin requirement was 3.235 GW, meaning the surplus was 0.923 GW.
At 8am on 8 January, peak demand for the evening peak forecast by Amira to be 48.6 GW – this is intended as a true GB electricity demand forecast accounting for the effects of embedded generation in the distributions networks. At the time, the NESO transmission system demand forecast was 46.777 GW (at 17:00). The Initial Transmission System Demand Outturn data from BMRS indicated that actual transmission system demand was 46.825 GW (at 17:30) ie the forecast was too low.
The chart below indicates rolling system demand for the day – the maximum was 47.088 GW. Rolling system demand includes all demand met from the transmission system including power station auxiliary demand, pumping demand and interconnector export demand. The data is provided as 5 minute average MW values, half hourly averages in MW and daily MWh totals. As this is related to the breakdown by fuel type of total positive generation to meet all transmission system demand, any fuel type categories with negative values will be capped to zero.
NESO’s demand forecasts can be quite inaccurate. It publishes demand forecast performance analysis (not very often) – half-hourly forecast versus out-turn data from April 2021 and November 2024 indicate the forecast error can be from 0 MW to 4,686 MW with an average of 609 MW. This magnitude of error could be critical on a day like today.
The generation availability (data from Amira Technologies taken from BMRS) was 44.905 GW. Adding the expected wind generation of 2.5 GW, that gave 47.405 GW. The out-turn after adjustments in the BM was 46.628 GW which includes an additional 700 MW from the Viking interconnector which was able to return a bipole that was intended to be offline for maintenance.
However, there had been a bit of spare CCGT capacity – the availability was 26.007 GW, the out-turn before BM actions was 24.368 GW and after BM actions the out-turn was 23.230 GW. Some CCGTs, notably Rye House, were offered at such high price in the BM they were only partially accepted. Rye House ran at its Stable Export Limit rather than its Maximum Export Limit with the remaining 300 MW held in reserve, while Dinorwig pumped hydro station was taken out of reserve and run instead since it was available at lower cost.
So to summarise, the total available supply at 5:30pm – generation plus interconnectors – was 47.405 GW while the peak demand at this time was 46.825 GW. This means that the actual spare margin on the system during the peak was just 580 MW! Even a relatively small power station trip would have caused an actual shortage and triggered blackouts. Had Viking not returned to full service it would not have been possible to meet peak demand.
NESO did have one other tool available to possibly increase generation, as noted in the EMN: “Maximum Generation Service may be instructed.” Known as Max Gen, this is an instruction to power stations to run at their maximum output irrespective of their Maximum Export Limit (“MEL”). Normally power stations could get c10 MW more from a turbine than its MEL and if every power station did this, the output could be meaningful.
Unfortunately, when this has been activated in the past, power stations tended to trip off, because once they are pushed to their operational limits, some are unable to cope and break down. This means that activating Max Gen comes with significant risk, and these days is considered to not be worth it – a trip of a larger unit could wipe out or exceed the gains from all the other generators, possibly making things worse than if it had not been activated. I understand demand control would be implemented without attempting Max Gen these days.
Did the Winter Outlook predict this?
The answer is a resounding “No!”. The Winter Outlook published in October proudly announced that the capacity margin was higher than last year (and for this reason the Demand Flexibility Service (“DFS”) was designated as a normal margin management tool and not part of an emergency contingency – the DFS was not activated on 8 January). The Winter Outlook predicted that weather-corrected peak transmission system demand would be 44.4 GW, down from 44.9 GW last winter. Actual peak demand on 8 January was 46.8 GW – 2.4 GW higher than the peak demand expectation for the winter. This is a huge error.
NESO assumed that 6.6 GW (de-rated) net imports woud be available via interconnectors at times of tighter margins – in fact only 6.26 GW of interconnector imports were secured on 8 January.
The error on the de-rated margin was even higher – the capacity margin was 5.2 GW but the actual spare margin was only 0.58 GW – that’s an order of magnitude off! The surplus daily credible lower bound for the winter was 1.77 GW – more than three times higher than the actual surplus!
A worrying lack of transparency
Unfortunately, NESO is not transparent about just how close the market came to disaster today. While it is possible to find all of these data from public sources as I have (Amira gets its data from BMRS and NESO, and I used it to save time, wanting to publish this blog sooner rather than later), but the official line from NESO seems to be “it’s all fine, nothing to see here!”
A NESO spokesperson told The Telegraph:
“Both of these notices are part of Neso’s operational toolkit and are routine tools used most winters. These notices are to inform the energy industry of the need for additional electricity supplies to maintain the operational reserve Neso holds whilst operating the national electricity network. These notices do not mean that electricity supplies are at risk or that there is not enough electricity to meet demand.”
This very much under-states the near miss on the day.
There are other problems, particularly relating to interconnectors. Some of the interconnectors can re-trade within day, and in the worst case, the control room may only have 55 minutes’ notice of the trades. If such a trade reversed the flow, an interconnector could reduce the level of imports or even switch from imports to exports at extremely short notice. NESO would have limited ability to react – while it can and does buy up interconnector capacity to secure imports, this trading takes time to execute – and can cost a lot of money. If there is only 55 minutes’ notice, the only real option would be to ask the interconnector operator to implement an Emergency Action to secure the imports, but this can be declined and NESO cannot force it.
Interconnector owners do not control the flows under normal operations – they make capacity available and traders in the market will buy it, flowing power one way or another. This is why, as I have noted in the past, the inclusion of interconnectors in the Capacity Market is inappropriate and provides a false sense of security. Under Capacity Market rules, interconnectors must be available in a system stress event, but being available means electricity can flow, it does not mean electricity will flow to GB – the interconnector will meet the availability criteria if it is exporting.
There are 38 registered trading parties on the interconnectors. Any one of them could enter a late trade when the market is tight – they may do this for portfolio reasons, or they may do it maliciously, or to make a point about the market operation. NESO has no control over this.
Another issue is cost. The average daily balancing cost is £2.3 million, but on 8 January more than £21 million was spent on balancing actions by NESO, according to LCP’s Energy Current dashboard (which unfortunately does not show historic data on the free version and I don’t have time to dig this out on BMRS to demonstrate it here). Essentially the balancing costs for the day were close to 10 times the normal daily costs. However, the costs of blackouts would be much higher. Balancing Mechanism prices reached £5,500 /MWh and there were several settlement periods with a cashout price of £2,900 /MWh.
On 8 January the GB power market came within a whisker of blackouts. NESO used almost every last MW available with just 580 MW of cushion – only two thirds of the contingency that should be held, and no-where near the single largest infeed loss which is supposed to be protected. And securing that minimal spare margin cost more than £21 million. This should be a real wake-up call about the dangers of relying on weather-based generation, but because NESO tells everyone things are fine even market participants may not realise just how close we came to demand control or blackouts.
NESO has a duty of transparency, so it is disappointing that it relies on people taking the time to dig into the market data to understand the situation, rather than being explicit about it, although I do understand there will be a post mortem in the Operational Transparency Forum call next week. To join the call, register on the link – it takes place at 11am every Wednesday. It will be interesting to see what is said and whether NESO owns up to the near miss on 8 January.
And now we face the same again on 10 January which is also forecast to be tight…
This was one of my most widely read blogs ever with 430k views on X /twitter and tens of thousands here and on LinkedIn. Here is a selection of the coverage:
- Britons paying ‘£2m an hour’ to keep gas-fired power stations running in freezing temperatures
- Britain ‘came within whisker of blackouts’ after plunge in wind speed
- UK’s blackout near-miss shows risks of Net Zero
- Blackout risk as energy supply warning issued during freezing temperatures as rush to net zero blamed
- UK households face ‘blackouts’ after energy supply warning issued
- Will Britain suffer a power outage? Freezing weather brought UK ‘within a whisker’ of blackout
- How the energy grid came ‘within a whisker’ of blackouts over sub-zero conditions
- The traders making millions by gaming Britain’s power crunch
It was even covered in foreign language press: Wielka Brytania o krok od blackoutu? Poważny incydent pierwszej zimy bez węgla (this Polish headline draws attention to this being the first winter without coal, and yes, I do speak and read Polish!) I was also interviewed on TalkTV and GB News.
I also recorded a webinar with UnHerd, one of the media outlets that has been working with me to cover this story:
Thank you for this public service, Kathryn.
Excellent article Kathryn and produced very promptly.
I thought last night was looking tight but you have brought it out very well.
I worry not that NESO is going to be much more politically driven – as it was with its delivering clean power 2030 report.
I totally agree about interconnector risk. As noted before, it can be trying to pull yourself up by your shoe-laces.
I note the Telegraph picked up on the costs more than the supply risk?
The pre Christmas Transparency forum had a segment from Jonathan Leslie (head of networks at NESO) claiming that CP2030 was feasible. I can imagine the collective cringe while he was spouting.
Your analysis prompts two immediate thoughts:
1. The T-4 capacity auction for 2027-28 includes 6.6 GW of interconnector capacity. If this were removed, the auction could not have cleared. In fact, the auction was a bit of a sham because the target capacity was 44.0 GW, bids were 43.4 GW and contracts awarded were 42.8 GW. Take out more than 6 GW and the whole house of cards falls down. The point is that the whole capacity market arrangement needs to be rethought with longer term contracts for real capacity not mythical trading supplies.
2. You highlight the poor reliability of NESO’s forecasts of peak demand. This, of course, is why reserve margins have traditionally been high, because the uncertainties of forecasting had to be added on to operational uncertainties. I have spent a lot of time recently trying to understand NESO and Elexon generating data. My impression is that data collection and analytical quality have been sacrificed in order to keep the Department and politicians happy. Anyone with international experience knows what is likely to happen. Yesterday’s events will tip (probably due to bad luck) over into actual blackouts, which are likely to get more frequent because remedies are slow and expensive.
The overall picture is one of a system operator that is deliberately blind and is unwilling/unable to acknowledge the deteriorating margins on which the system is operating. Nationalising the ESO will only accelerate this trend because the civil servants are completely unwilling to tell truth to their political masters. The interconnector issue is particularly important because the whole story to 2030 and beyond is, in practice, a play on interconnector bailouts.
Kathryn, what an excellent analysis. Wow! Thank you.
Well done for piecing all that together so quickly. Interesting that they never bothered with DFS on such an obviously tight day. They obviously know it is close to useless in its present form. I read a newspaper comment from someone who had been contacted by Octopus and asked if they would participate – which they declined on the basis that 20p was scant reward for sitting in the dark. Nevertheless industrial consumers on half hour pricing will have had a strong incentive to behave as if it were an old fashioned Triad period, and cut demand on the grid, perhaps running their own generation.
You also have to ask how the Danes managed to arrange an incremental 700MW at short notice. That would have entailed further imports from Germany (or reduced exports). The day ahead prices for 18-19:00 CET were not super high on EPEX. €144.24/MWh from Norway, €149.23/MWh from Denmark/Germany, €162/MWh from Netherlands, €151.86/MWh from Belgium and €137.58/MWh from France. Clearly we had inadequate dispatchable capacity, but NeuConnect would likely having been trying to tap the same generation as Viking Link if it were operational: it only offers alternative transmission.
It turns out there was some DFS….a magnificent 180 MW!!
I think Viking was due back from today – I’d have to check the REMIT but I think they just got it back from maintenance a bit early
This is the summary of awards (subject to adjustment when settlement metering is available)
From Sum – Cost Sum – Volume MW Price Average
16:00 £20,931.59 98.6 £424.58/MWh
16:30 £21,009.09 98.6 £426.15/MWh
17:00 £59,516.08 181.0 £657.64/MWh
17:30 £60,866.08 184.0 £661.59/MWh
18:00 £19,141.34 92.7 £412.98/MWh
18:30 £18,693.84 91.7 £407.72/MWh
Total Result £200,158.03 746.6
373.297 MWh £536.19/MWh
Viking link was worth an extra 700MW although it took time to ramp up but may have saved them having to accept anymore excessive bids from the like of Rye House which I guess is what forced the system price so high. The battery traders looked to have cleared up during these periods according to bessanalytics data. Guess this is just the sign of a functioning market.
Hi Kathryn,
Thank you for writing the post and collating the information.
A few points however, if I may.
First, it is not the case that “when an EMN is active, any generator that has technical availability to run must make itself available in the Balancing Mechanism (“BM”)”. EMNs are advisory, and warn the market that, if there is no response from the market, then there is the possibility of a “high risk of demand disconnection” notice being issued. The relevant definitions can be found in OC7 of the Grid Code. (Happy to be corrected on this if I’m wrong, but that’s always been my understanding).
Secondly, it’s worth pointing out that, at 8am, NESO’s transmission system demand forecast was within 50MW of the peak demand. This is very good forecasting, at that time scale. And throughout the day NESO’s forecast was good on what was a difficult day to forecast.
Also, NESO did use Demand Flexibility Service on 8th January. They put out a requirement for 500MW, and accepted 200MW of what was tendered, up to a price of £1290/MWh.
It isn’t the case that “had just one large power station tripped this evening, demand control would have been a real prospect”. The system is planned so that if the largest loss connected to the system occurs, then the system is resilient to this. That’s the point of the contingent and operating reserve requirements, and the operating margin is measured using the surplus of generation that can be activated within the relevant time scale over the demand plus reserve. The reserve requirement is higher the further ahead the assessment is made, because, for instance, the probability of a certain number of MW failing at day ahead stage is higher than the probability of the same number of MW failing within the final hour. All other things being equal the margin should increase as we reach real time, because the contingency reserve is falling towards the value of the largest loss.
It is also worth noting what happened as the system approached and passed through the peak. With just under an hour to go, the Control Room took Rye House, which had been at its lowest stable limit of 410MW, out of a possible 695MW, off the system, as it was not required to meet the demand plus reserve requirement for the peak. In addition, the Control Room ran the system slightly “fast” over the peak, at 50.05Hz, ie with more generation than they strictly needed, as they could afford to do this with enough spare margin (they run it fast because it makes the system more resilient to a loss). And also they accepted about 300MW in bids in the balancing mechanism. In other words, they instructed generation to come off the system as it was not required. This isn’t characteristic of a system at breaking point.
Use of an Electricity Margin Notice shouldn’t be viewed with the alarm it sometimes generates in the media. It is a useful tool that ensures extra generation, which an asset owner might otherwise feel it isn’t worth getting ready for a particular day, is made available. And evidence, particularly from winter 2020/21 shows that between 1000 and 2000 extra MW can become available after an EMN is issued. It should be viewed as a standard tool of risk management, rather than apocalyptic!
Not sure that I agree the contingency falls to the largest loss. Look at 22nd December 2023. There were 3 significant trips (IFA1, Cottam and Moray HVDC) finally acknowledged by NESO (and possibly more loss in embedded generation that they didn’t acknowledge but seemed to be picked up by traders at the time who thought the total loss was over 2GW looking at RoCoF and the nadir). Also, there is a difference between having sufficient battery charge to provide DC in the event of a trip despite the strong incentive to discharge at peak prices and having a real ongoing reserve. Battery durations and state of charge are still insufficiently known to the control room. Providing the contingency gets costly if you have to compensate the batteries for not being able to maximise energy arbitrage profits.
I posted this elsewhere. The rponse from a renewables enthusiast was
“In other words we still had more margin than when the system was 70% fossil fuels in 2011.”
Everything is OK!
Thank you for your take on our electricity requirements. I thought the interconnectors we have were for importing extra needs but it appears that if required, demand can transmit power out of our country as well.
Is Dinorwig short availability power station still in use in Wales? Does this mean if power was required abroad that this power station could be used. It was meant to give a quick burst of power, such as half time during a major football match when a lot of people put electric kettles on?
It does not help that NESO has been nationalised by the current government. While duties may be unchanged, it can no longer pretend to be independent. Its recent forecasts for net zero and 2030 etc were described as independent, but were commissioned by the government, its owner. In this report NESO used the term “hugely challenging” in respect of the 2030 targets, which seems to me to reflect the views of its political masters. Most of us with long experience of the electricity sector, like myself, consider this to be a “huge understatement”. Even with everything going in favour of government policy, the objectives are hopelessly unachievable. If words could design, procure and build the necessary infrastructure (both supply and transmission) we will be fine, but the optimism of NESO/Government is unbelievable. The complacency described in your report on the inadequate supply margins on 8 Jan reinforces suspicions that NESO has cast aside their supposed independence and are dancing to a more political bent in defending the situation. And who will the government blame if (when?) we do have rolling blackouts…… lack of enough renewable energy? Sorry to be so downbeat, but there needs to be some honesty here, such as you are providing.
My belief is NESO are playing along here so they ultimately remain in control of managing the power system and steering it on course to NZ thats is achievable without jeopardising security of supply. So outwardly they look to be complicit but have already altered the 100% position back to 95% and they’ve laid out all the barriers that need to be broken to stand any chance of hitting NZ2030 so its back on DENZ to sort them which they wont be able to in the time available. Also they can also issue as many CfDs as they want but doesn’t mean the windfarms will ever get to be developed and constructed.
What should have happened here was our manufacturing base should have been built up first and then perhaps a 10yr coordinated plan between generation and transmission implemented so we don’t just worsen the constraints issue.
“My belief is NESO are playing along here so they ultimately remain in control of managing the power system and steering it on course to NZ thats is achievable without jeopardising security of supply. So outwardly they look to be complicit but have already altered the 100% position back to 95% and they’ve laid out all the barriers that need to be broken to stand any chance of hitting NZ2030 so its back on DENZ to sort them which they wont be able to in the time available”
Hi all…..Unfortunately System Operations (Sys Ops) now nationalised NESO always held sway over the all important access to the super-grid network. Apart from major construction outages, similar for repairs & renewals & uprating was always a problem for inclusion in 1/2 years ahead outage plans, we in the Area’s had to fight for every circuit outage. Sys. Ops. planners who should have known better relentlessly pursued a utopian agenda of 100% network availability. NESO seem to be adopting a similar controlling role.
A line on a bar chart with a date at each end is a minor part of the outage story. Area teams manage contractors, engineers providing safe access to teams working hundreds of feet above ground level, within 18ft of 400kv live conductors, same for in-house maintenance crews. New construction supervised & checked prior to being signed off, keeping land owners on side, dodging the weather, etc. etc; oblivious from a central control centre.
Footnote; Heysham 2 (R1 or R2 or both ?) tripped 23/12/2024 due to a substation fault. National Grid worked with EDF throughout the Christmas period to repair the fault & restore the circuits involved. What would be the impact of similar occurring today ?
In the meantime nothing from BBC R4, BBC TV, Granada ITV.
GB News bulletin re system fragility (9/1 @ 1700hrs)
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
Excellent timely summary of the situation in the real world.
This evening (17.00) well in the amber zone & on the edge.
Guesstimate contribution by wind suspect IMO, lots of static turbines here on the coast.
Is the public & our energy minister aware just how close we are to black outs.
Power cuts are totally different to system black outs.
Great posting Kathryn thanks for touching on my world in vanished years.
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
A very interesting article. I am a customer of Octopus energy. I have a smart meter and have signed up for their energy management product. At 12:35 yesterday I was offered an option to reduce my household demand between 17:00 and 18:00 and was offered 72 pence per kWh saved. I took up the option. My contribution was turning off unnecessary lights and delaying the washing machine
You may be interested to know that Octopus was awarded its bids at £900/MWh (90p/kWh) for a volume of 89.2MW in the first half hour and for 92.2MW in the second half hour.
Some load control can be done, without human involvement except getting appliances set up to help the system run more efficiently…….Even when we were on coal and gas and nuclear, and peaked at about 60GW demand in winter…….not just the 48GW demand mentioned here, there were a lot of coal and gas facilities doing nothing in the summer overnight when demand was only 23GW (37GW output range nationally from summer minimum output to winter maximum output in 2009). We still have the 23GW minimum in summer, but the winter peak has been reduced by 20% to give a 25GW range, not a 37GW range. There always has been a huge range of demand from the summer overnight minimum to the 6-7pm winter peak maximum.
If all fridges, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers…….all the residential base/variable loads were on timers, such that they were automatically switched off for that evening peak, between 3:30pm to 8:30pm how much demand could be saved?
10,000,000 users 100w each gives 1GW, 500w each gives 5GW
Surely with the A+ Energy Efficiency rated goods, automatically switching off loads other than those for cooking could be done, fridges and freezers can last for a period of time without running…..they are not on all the time, and surely we can get their duty cycles to align to reduce peak demand, say get them to definitely run in the 1 hour prior to a 4pm to 8pm off period before coming on again after 8pm?
Do we need a “market mechanism”, or do we build the appliances to have timers with load timing control?
In biology there are various hormonally controlled processes that change metabolism, based on daylight as a synchroniser.
Are there any equipment/appliances or processes that businesses or local authorities have working between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, that could just as easily be run sometime during the other 18 hours of a 24 hour day?
“If all fridges, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers…….all the residential base/variable loads were on timers, such that they were automatically switched off for that evening peak, between 3:30pm to 8:30pm how much demand could be saved?”
Hi all….isn’t that what smart meters are all about ?
I thought that receptors are currently being fitted to some household white goods with remote switching by NESO in the future a possibility.
I remember In the 1960’s large demand users (ICI, Petrochemical Plants, etc) at various sites had camera’s permanently focussed on their main incoming electricity meters. The meter room resembled a miniature film studio. Images were transmitted to the remote plant control room. At intervals in peak am & pm times plant was switched out to preserve network stability. Exceeding an agreed demand level incurred heavy financial penalties for the customer.
Seems a crude approach in todays high tech. world but I recall it was pretty effective at the time.
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
Remote switching, another hackable system that, like computers, can be held to ransom by tech savvy criminals. Is the Third World War actually raging on already in the virtual reality of the internet, but spills over into reality (physical effects) when critical systems are compromised, with DoS attacks, ransomware, etc etc. Do we need to make everything centrally controlled, which means that if some bad actor can gain control, can turn an ideal system into hell and us held to ransom?
See my comment below, switching street lighting or variable speed limits don’t present a risk in the same way that the ability to kill a freezer, possibly with up to £200 to £300 food adds to the financial risk. How much does computer hacking cost businesses these days? Do we really need to have more systems that can be taken over by others?
Perhaps with such a system they should be called “Not so Smart Meters”. An independent timer would not present such a risk, that could even be set such that seasonality is taken into account, where it only happens during say December, January and February, the months of peak demand.
Computers can enable productivity gains, but only if you don’t have to spend a fortune on protecting them. Any critical system with an air-gap to the internet stands a better chance of maintaining reliability.
We know that street lighting starts to come on during that period. Has every local authority changed to the most energy efficient lighting, and have they reduced the wattage down to a minimum, to reduce their demand?
If motorways have only slow moving traffic, do those street lights need to be on? Surely if the traffic is moving slowly in an orderly queue, the street lighting can be switched off. We have variable speed limits to help control the flow of traffic. Don’t we need variable street lighting, that saves councils money if there is no threat to life and road conditions are not dangerous. Sitting on the M25 in a rush hour queue with stop-start traffic flow with a 40mph limit, is hardly the time when you need the street lights on.
With fast moving traffic, the speed differences are a critical factor.
Don’t we need to be more intelligent with our use of street lighting and power to save money and precious resources?
Logistics and international shipping is already complicated but when building materials are concerned, It’s pure chaos. That’s where we step in. We deliver fast, accurate information with razor-sharp transparency. Your shipments, your dollars, your data, all handled with precision and care. Bad news happens, but surprises don’t—not with us! We’re not perfect, but we always exceed our clients’ expectations. We handle a range of logistic services across many industries, but building materials are our specialty! When you need solutions from Reliable Experts with Reliable Execution—you need Rely-Ex Solutions. Email us at for a quote for your next building materials shipment and you’ll see why this message was such a blessing! our website is