This week my nuclear paper for the Global Warming Policy Foundation (“GWPF”) was published: Prospects for nuclear energy in the UK. The GWPF has taken a somewhat more negative interpretation of my report than I expected – yes, we face a real risk of no nuclear on the system from March 2028 after the scheduled closure date of the AGRs and ahead of the opening of Hinley Point C. Only Sizewell B will be left, and while I doubt EDF will schedule re-fuelling that year, if HPC is delayed further, or if Sizewell B has an unplanned outage, then we will have no nuclear running. But I would prefer to focus on the steps that can be taken to avoid such an outcome and ensure the ongoing contribution of nuclear power to the GB grid.
Firstly, the lives of the AGRs were extended. The Office for Nuclear Regulation (“ONR”) has taken an extremely cautious attitude to the graphite cracking issue, and one which is difficult to justify from any kind of objective risk analysis. The idea of making nuclear “less safe” is of course controversial, but increasing the prospect of blackouts is not without risk – winter blackouts would likely be fatal in the UK – and any risk analysis needs to be balanced and proportionate. Beyond that, the Government should fund a handful of new large-scale reactors. Private investors have shied away from the high capital costs and regulatory risks of nuclear – direct Government funding would be the fastet and cheapest way of re-starting the nuclear pipleline.
People have an innate fear of “nuclear” associating it with war, disasters such as Chernobyl, and waste, which often blinds them to the true facts about the technology. However, there is a growing recognition that without nuclear, net zero could be difficult to achieve, especially in northern climes where solar will have a limited contribution, particularly in winter.
Growing interest in nuclear around the world
Just this week, the Energy Institute published an article entitled Is nuclear energy back? which highlights the contribution from nuclear which currently provides around 10% of the world’s electricity, and is the second-largest source of low-carbon electricity, behind hydropower. The existing global nuclear fleet maintains an average capacity factor exceeding 80%, and even reactors reaching their sixth decade of operation achieve these performance levels.
Most countries have plans to de-carbonise their electricity grids and have implemented ambitious plans to build-out renewable generation. However, the growing challenges of these plans are increasingly being recognised – the economics of wind generation are looking increasingly shaky, and to date no solution has been found to the challenge of bulk long-duration electricity storage. Occasionally people excitedly tell me this problem is on the cusp of being solved with “long-duration” batteries that will last for 8-10 hours. This is nonsense – we need to be able to bridge low wind periods lasting weeks not hours, and ultimately, we need to be able to store surplus summer generation for use in winter. Other than hydro, no technology can achieve this, but hydro is expensive to build, and suitable sites are hard to find.
The US in particular is experiencing problems with security of supply with threats of blackouts in both winter and summer across large parts of the country as power grids struggle with the impact of fossil fuel and nuclear generation retirements, and the intermittency of renewables.
All of this is leading to a renewed interest in nuclear power, which is low carbon in operation, and whose output does not depend on the weather. In fact, on a full life-cycle basis, nuclear power has the lowest emissions per unit of electricity generated of any generation technology.
“In fact, it is becoming increasingly evident that at least tripling global nuclear capacity is not just an option; it’s a necessity if we are going to achieve global net zero greenhouse gas emissions and bolster energy security in a cost-effective and equitable manner,”
– Dr Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General of the World Nuclear Association
16 European Union nations have formed a Nuclear Alliance with the aim of reaching 150 GW of nuclear capacity by 2050, and encouraged the EU to include nuclear in its energy strategy. Last month the EU launched an industrial alliance to promote small modular reactors (“SMRs”). The US and Canada are working to establish a joint regulatory environment to accelerate the deployment of SMRs with plans for demonstration models well-advanced in both countries.
The US is experiencing a change in sentiment towards nuclear and even states such as Illinois with a long-standing moratorium on nuclear power are re-considering their stance. In fact, Illinois lawmakers have just voted by 44 votes to 7 to end their nuclear ban. Holtec International has applied to re-start the previously closed Palisades reactor in Michigan, in a first for the US market, and is also considering an SMR for the site.
Nuclear generation in Asia has more than doubled in the past decade, led by China, which has added nearly 40 reactors and has a goal of adding 150 more in the next 15 years. South Korea continues to develop new reactors while Japan is in the process of re-starting plant which was forced to close after Fukushima. India aims to triple its nuclear capacity by 2032, while Bangladesh expects its first reactor to start up in 2024.
The United Arab Emirates is also building new nuclear with its fourth reactor at Barakah opening soon, which will increase the share of nuclear in its generation mix from zero to 25% in just four years. Turkey is building a four-unit plant at Akkuyu and Egypt is building its first nuclear plant at El-Dabaa, becoming the second African nation with nuclear power after South Africa.
Nuclear is far safer than people think…
There have only been two major reactor accidents in the history of civil nuclear power – Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi. The Chernobyl plant had a unique design, and involved an intense fire and explosion after workers carried out testing after disabling automatic shutdown mechanisms. It is the only nuclear accident which involved radiation-related fatalities. At Fukushima, containment structures were severely tested, with some release of radioactive material, initially due to venting, and then from subsequent hydrogen explosions.
In over 18,500 cumulative reactor-years of commercial nuclear power operation in 36 countries there have only been around 30 documented fatalities associated with nuclear accidents (although long-term data relating to Chernobyl are not readily available). At Three Mile Island there was no radiation leak outside the plant.
At Fukushima there were no deaths during the nuclear accident itself and so far, instances of illness and death in people that may have experienced radiation exposure have do not appear to be statistically different from the wider population. By comparison, 19,500 people were killed by the tsunami.
Nuclear has among the lowest mortality rates of any generation technology – various data sources show similar results although the death rates for wind, solar and nuclear are all so low, their relative positions lie within the margins of error for the data. Most of these deaths occur in the supply chains for example mining the raw materials used in the production of the facilities, and fuel in the case of nuclear – the rare earth metals required for wind turbines and solar panels also require mining, as do the metal ores for steel production and concrete reinforcement. With off-shore wind, there are also deaths related to transport to the windfarm and accidents from working at height.
Part of the fear of nuclear power can be traced to public safety campaigns. In the 1950s the UK Government produced before and after pictures of British cities in a nuclear attack, and over the following decades there were various booklets and films informing the public on how to survive nuclear war. This culminated in the widely mocked Protect and Survive in the 1980s, after which the public information campaign was discontinued. In the US Duck and Cover, released in 1951, scared a generation of post-war children about the risks of nuclear war – by the end of the decade, 60% of American children reported having nightmares about nuclear war. In the 1960, plans were drawn up for fallout shelters.
At the same time, civil nuclear organisations treated public concerns with contempt, and, instead of calming fears, amplified them. A similar effect was seen with the MMR vaccine – after later disgraced doctor Andrew Wakefield suggested the vaccine caused autism, the dismissive attitude of the UK Government which paternalistically refused to allow parents the choice of separate measles, mumps and rubella vaccines gave rise to conspiracy theories, particularly as GPs simply repeated the official mantra that MMR was safe while refusing to enter into further discussion on the subject. People don’t enjoy being dismissed as stupid, and having their concerns shut down, and tend to lose trust in the authorities as a result. The release of the film The China Syndrome just days before the Three Mile Island incident hardly helped matters, boosted by alarmist reporting in the media.
The reality is that all heavy industries carry physical safety risks. The Bhopal disaster in 1984 occurred at a pesticide factory. 40 tons of methyl isocyanate, a toxic gas, leaked out of the factory and drifted across the city, exposing nearly half a million residents. Over 3,000 people were killed over the following days, and in the years since it is estimated that the total death toll was between 15,000 and 20,000 people. The disaster caused ongoing illness, including birth defects, while studies have shown that men born in Bhopal in 1985 have a higher risk of cancer, lower education accomplishment and higher rates of disabilities compared with those born before or after 1985. The disaster has had and continues to have a profound effect on the city, decades after the event.
Hundreds of people have been killed in refinery accidents while thousands have died in mining accidents. 1,100 people were killed and over 2,500 injured when a garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed in 2013. In 2020 hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate detonated at the port of Beirut killing more than 200, injuring over 6,000 in what is considered one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history. No industry is free from risk, and while people often cite potential long-term harms from radiation, this is not unique to the nuclear industry as various chemical disasters attest. Yet the production of pesticides has not been banned in response to Bhopal, nor do people generally react in fear to the words “chemical plant” despite the horrors of chemical warfare – that link does not exist in the public consciousness.
If the nuclear renaissance is to properly take hold, there needs to be better public information about the true risks and benefits of the technology in order to build wider public acceptance.
…and the issue of nuclear waste is smaller and less difficult
Another of the common objections to the use of nuclear power, other than safety, is the issue of waste. There are four types of nuclear waste:
High Level Waste (“HLW”) – is generally in liquid form, and is a by-product of the re-processing of spent fuel from nuclear reactors. It represents 3% of the total volume of nuclear waste but accounts for 95% of the radioactivity. Liquid HLW is mixed with crushed glass in a furnace to produce a molten product which is then poured into stainless steel canisters, each of which holds approximately 150 litres of waste. This is a process called “vitrification” and converts the waste into a stable, solid form for long-term storage and disposal. In the UK, this process takes place at the Sellafield site in Cumbria. The canisters are then placed into an air-cooled store until a suitable disposal route becomes available.
The current practice is for the facility to store the vitrified HLW for at least 50 years before disposal which allows for much of the radioactivity to decay away and the waste to cool. The waste is then easier to transport and dispose of. When a disposal facility becomes available, each canister is placed inside two further containers before disposal.
The preferred option for managing HLW is geological disposal, which involves placing packaged radioactive waste in an engineered, underground repository, where the rock provides a barrier against the escape of radiation. There is no intention to retrieve the waste once the facility is closed.
Intermediate Level Waste (“ILW”) – ILW represents 7% of the total volume of nuclear waste. It may require treatment such as super-compacting, cutting or drying before being packaged for storage and disposal. Most ILW is packaged in 500L drums or 3m3 steel boxes, with the waste being immobilised in cement-based materials. These packages are held in interim stores until a suitable disposal route becomes available. As with HLW, the preferred option s for geological disposal.
Low Level Waste (“LLW”) – 90% of all nuclear waste is LLW. Most LLW from the UK has been disposed at the Low Level Waste Repository in Cumbria since 1959. The waste was initially placed into landfill-style trenches but is now grouted in metal containers before being stacked in concrete lined, highly engineered vaults. A cap will cover the containers when the vaults are full. The Dounreay site in Scotland also has a new LLW repository which will accept solid waste from Dounreay site operations and the nearby Ministry of Defence’s Vulcan Naval Reactor Test Establishment.
LLW disposal facilities have very specific limits on the amounts of different radionuclides that they can accept. A very small fraction of solid LLW, notably graphite from reactor cores, cannot be disposed of in existing facilities because it would take them close to their permitted radioactivity limits. This waste can also be difficult to separate from associated ILW, so is generally included with higher level waste for long-term disposal. Authorised landfill sites can accept LLW with very low levels of radioactivity for disposal alongside municipal and commercial wastes. Increasingly, LLW is sent for recycling. Metals with low levels of surface radioactivity can be recycled. Some LLW, such as plastic, textiles and oils, can be incinerated, leaving only ash and filter dust.
Nuclear Materials – these are radioactive items which have potential value and are not currently considered as waste, including uranium and plutonium, which can be used to make nuclear fuel, as well as spent nuclear fuels, which could be reprocessed and reused. At present, these materials are safely stored in case there is a need for them in future, and if no future use is found, the government will reclassify the material as waste.
The amount of nuclear waste is tiny for the amount of electricity generated – the volume of HLW is equivalent to a dishwasher table per person in the UK. The entire volume of this waste to date is 1,470 m3, after almost seven decades of nuclear power generation during which time, over 3,000 TWh of nuclear power has been produced. Although the volumes are small, the only country to have found a permanent solution for nuclear waste is Finland, which is currently constructing a deep geological repository. The UK is working on developing a similar solution.
Unfortunately, nuclear waste was not always treated so well, and this in large part informs public concerns over nuclear waste. Up until the early 1990s, spent fuel rods were stored in open air ponds at Sellafield in Cumbria. The operation to clean up these ponds is not scheduled to be completed until 2054. The site also contains buildings constructed decades ago, and, due to sparse record-keeping in the past, little is known about their contents such as discarded gloves used when cutting up spent fuel rods and are obviously contaminated. Former staff have been interviewed to try to gain insights into what is in these buildings and what went on there.
Valuable work was done at Sellafield in the past, for example, the production of plutonium-238 used in early cardiac pacemakers, but now the site is synonymous with nuclear hazards requiring a vast and expensive clean-up. But the treatment of legacy waste should not be conflated with the current approach to nuclear waste. Even if no new reactors are built, this legacy problem will remain, but we are not adding to it. The handling of nuclear waste is now cleaner and more secure, and while a long term geological depository is yet to be developed, the current temporary storage facilities are safe. The nuclear materials are contained, and their volume is such that the status quo can safely be maintained for many years to come.
All forms of electricity generation involve waste, and while not all of this waste is radio-active, some of it can be highly toxic. The waste from lithium-ion batteries is much larger in volume terms than nuclear waste, and has significant disposal challenges. Nuclear waste is also much more dense than other waste – the nuclear waste generated from commercial nuclear power plants since 1950 would fit on a football field stacked 30 feet tall. Up to 97% of nuclear waste can be re-used, compared with up to 96% for lithium ion batteries, c.80% for solar panels, and c.85% for wind turbine blades.
Nuclear is the only generating technology where developers are required to have a fully funded de-commissioning and waste-management plan in place from the outset. The Energy Act 2004 sets out various obligations relating to the de- commissioning of off-shore windfarms which the Government intends will comply with international obligations including removal of structures to allow safe navigation of the relevant waters. The rules for de-commissioning on-shore wind projects vary widely by location, with different rules in different countries. Some countries have no specific legislation covering this with requirements being set out within the individual planning consents for each project. In the US, some parts of the foundations may be left in place. Most wind turbine blades end up in landfill – while they are chemically inert and are unlikely to cause environmental damage, they take up space which is a problem in countries such as the UK where landfill space is running out.
Nuclear power is not without its problems, but safety and waste are more problems of perception than reality. The real problems are still that the capital costs are beyond the private sector, which is also deterred by the regulatory environment, with overly burdensome approvals processes, sometimes disproportionate conservatism, and an ongoing risk of new and expensive obligations being added. Sometimes these additions are sensible such as the requirement to move the backup generators at Fukushima – had those conditions been met, the incident at the plant would not have happened. But sometimes they are not reasonable, such as the ONR’s approach to the graphite cracking issue as described in my report.
If governments are serious about promoting a new wave of nuclear construction, they need to address these concerns. Regulatory processes need to be streamlined, and international co-operation should be advanced to avoid duplication of effort. And state funding for new reactors should be considered. In the UK, various incentive schemes have failed to deliver more than one new reactor in a quarter of a century. It’s time to stop wasting time and for the Government to make the funding available from the public purse. There’s a good chance it would be able to sell stakes in these plants once they are built, and by establishing a pipeline of new reactors, investor confidence could be built which might incentivise some level of private capital in new projects thereafter.
New large reactors take time to deliver. The fastest current technology is the APR-1400 with an 8-year build time – with the time for planning and other consents, this would easily exceed a decade. There’s no time to waste – governments need to act fast if nuclear power is to make a serious contribution to the energy transition.
Good Afternoon.
Lots of good points in this article, but your consideration of nuclear waste is – frankly – glib.
You can lay out the UK’s plans for what to do with nuclear waste, but the fact is that in the 50 years that the industry has existed in the UK it has – to the best of my knowledge – not disposed of a single gram of high level nuclear waste. We are storing it at a cost of about £2billion/year and have no current plan for geological disposal.
This can be contrasted with Finland which has already substantially but the repository for the waste from Olkiluoto 3.
If the UK ever tries to build something similar, it will be VERY expensive (big project AND nuclear) and likely delayed for decades
In short, this is not a solved problem: not even close. In my opinion, we should solve the problem of disposal BEFORE we start adding to our 50 year stockpile.
Best wishes
There is a project to develop a geological depsoitory in the UK, but since the volumes of HLW are so small it’s not that urgent. Even France does not have one and it’s producing a lot more than anyone else in Europe. Yes, it will be expensive to build, but trying to build energy storage to back up renewables will also cost £billions. Better to build nuclear and invest in waste disposal, and have a reliable system. Cheapest would be to stick with gas when full all-in costs are considered.
“Cheapest would be to stick with gas when full all-in costs are considered”
This is the statement of someone in deep denial of the physical reality of climate change. You – and GWPF – have taken the view that Climate Change is a political stance to be opposed. It’s not: it’s just basic physical reality. And being in denial of reality is never a smart place to find oneself.
If there is some aspect of the physics of climate change that you would like explained, I would be happy to help.
No, I’m just saying that in terms of electricity costs to the consumer, gas is cheapest. I am not making any comment about other costs which do not appear on electricity bills or the desirability or otherwise of preventing climate change.
Kathryn: this is a statement of a climate change denier. It amounts you saying that the issue of energy supply is not related to the issue of climate change. In fact – as you must know – they are the same issue.
It baffles me how someone as so obviously technically adept as you can be so much in denial of a basic fact about the world we live in.
BEst wishes
No, it isn’t. This is an energy blog, not a climate blog. I’m not interested in climate science except where it impacts energy policy.
The costs of climate change only manifest in energy bills to the extent that specific policies such as renewables subsidies, changes in energy mix, emissions restrictions etc apply. In the current conext, the costs of electricity paid by consumers are inflated by the introduction of intermittent renewable generation.
But I don’t accept ad hominem attacks in these comments, so if you call me or anyone else a “denier” again I will remove your commenting privileges.
My Dad, always supported Nuclear and despised Windmills
We built first Magnox reactors in under 5 years starting from scratch without any experience to draw upon yet we now need 8 years or more!! Also they were all indigenous British design and engineered manufactured in this country and with with four under simultaneous construction in the late 1950’s such was our capability then. They were also very reliable and lasted nearly twice as long as predicted. What have we become.
But our risk management was too lax in the early days, so I’m not sure I’d really want to go back there!
It what area was risk management lax in the early days? Given the ever tightening of safety regulations they would not have been allowed to continue to operate by the nuclear regulators if there was inherent safety issues within the design. In terms of build costs all the consortium lost money and get little compensation back. Mind you we soon lost our way with the AGRs given what the Magnox programme delivered.
Great posting endorsing my well known views on this forum.
Why are The Central Electricity Board (CEGB), nationalisation such tainted headings buried for ever ?
In the North West/Wales part of the UK, think Heysham 1 & 2, Wylfa nuclear plants linked to the amazing flexible Dinorwig pumped storage hydro (0 to 1800MW in 16 secs) operating daily for the past 30years via a robust 400kv supergrid. Absolute mega projects designed & built in house by british engineers. As above the very titles CEGB, Brexit seem tainted in so many ways. I make no apologies for admiring Margaret Thatcher & her forthright leadership, but fear that privatisation of the nuclear industry & the railways a bridge too far, rushed through, leaving us in the mess we are experiencing now; rant over…….Barry Wright, Lancashire.
Hi all….couldn’t resist resurrecting this topic following reading the Jack Devenny article.
Brief & to the point he echoes my sentiments re delays & over budget costs of modern day Nuclear builds here in the UK.
Read on : (Feedback would be good)
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
I think that jack Devanney’s articles on nuclear waste are well worth reading at . Especially the piece “Circling the LNT Wagons” about the Linear No Threshold theory of radiation damage which he shows to be (a) alarmist nonsense (b) widely held amongst nuclear regulators.
While it is obvious that nuclear generation is the only generally availlable source of non CO2 emitting generation and that renewables can never be a replacement for conventional generation. Governments, are slow to realise this.
The real question is there a requirement to curtail CO2 emissions? While there is a huge inertia in the CO2 is the major cause of ‘global warming’ hypothesis there is much scientific evidence that this completely unsupported and the aim to reduce CO2 emissions is a total waste of both time and huge amounts of money?
“While it is obvious that nuclear generation is the only generally available source of non CO2 emitting generation and that renewables can never be a replacement for conventional generation.”
No! This is not obvious at all. Renewable generation has grown massively and reduced our reliance on imported energy. And it will likely grow to supply 80% of our energy in the coming decades. The last 20% is hard and there may be a role for nuclear power. But looking at the world right now, nuclear power is in a decades long decline and renewable energy is growing exponentially.
In the future, the grid will evolve and the easily dispatch-able energy sources will be required less and less.
Bess wishes
While renewable enegy has increased it has not reduced our dependence on imports – a quick read of the ESO winter outlook will tell you that. The assumption is our energy security is now provided by electricity imports. Except that this is a pretty weak assumption as I have explained quite a few times in previous blogs.
It is not possible based on current technology for a country ike the UK to base its electricity grid solely on renewables. We will need with nuclear or gas if we are to have energy security.
What is the optimum balance of nuclear, gas and renewables? 20% 20% 60%?
France showed that 70% nuclear supplemented by hydro and gas works very well to deliver cheap reliable power. They had no real need of any wind or solar.
Good Evening,
France’s system has worked well, but this year several stations were shut down because of low flow on the rivers used to cool them. Given what we know, these events are likely to intensify in future.
Looking forward, renewables are the cheapest source of electricity available. Why would one not just generate as much renewable energy as one could and then “fill in” with nuclear or gas or batteries?
It appears you have never considered the real costs of trying to establish a system based on intermittent renewables, and you are in denial of the reality that costs from renewables even at limited penetrations where integration and backup costs are much less and curtailment doesn’t impinge do not begin to compete. You have no concept of what is required if you believe we could fill in with batteries, which is infeasible on resource grounds and on cost grounds. Only gas and hydro have the real flexibility to handle the large ramp rates required to accommodate renewables at a reasonable cost, but the whole system becomes absurdly expensive.
You had the temerity to link to your accusation that your cod understanding of atmospheric radiation physics is superior – though you offered no supporting references for your somewhat wild unquantified assertions by reference to the Dunning Kruger effect. I suggest you take some lessons from Wijngaarden and Happer, who lay out the physics in proper detail in their paper Infrared Forcing by Greenhouse Gases that covers all the bits that were too complicated for you to explain. So far as designing a viable electricity system it appears D-K applies to you in spades.
A very good article covering a lot of ground and with some good real world examples. The build out of nuclear capacity in China is staggering – is it really 10GW per year.
On the high level waste depository, I recall plans back in the 70s for a deep long term facility being built under the Irish Sea. 50 years on we are no further forward.
Best regards
Andrew Mackenzie
The fact that nuclear energy, the only low CO2 emitting energy source which is affordable, abundant, reliable and secure has been ignored since the passing of the CCA in 2008 is one reason why I do not believe CAGW exists. The other reason being the work of Happer & Wijngaarden showing IR saturation means doubling CO2 produces negligible amounts of additional warming.
Despite government talk of the necessity of nuclear energy and claims to build one nuclear plant a year the 2023 NGESO FES 2050 shows nuclear to be only 6-8% of our total energy mix, which BTW also shows no plan for back-up storage for the chosen source of our future energy, intermittent renewables.
Why was the duff French EDF EPR technology with expensive Chinese finance chosen for Hinkley Point C, our only new nuclear build? At a cost of £10bn/GW this is nearly 3 times that of the Korean UAE project at £3.7bn/GW and more than the double a RR SMR at £4.2bn/GW.
[Note : The Dogger Bank wind farm works out at £7.6bn/GW at a 40% capacity factor and of course its energy is intermittent requiring the additional cost of storage to produce dispatchable energy]
Sizewell C is predicted to be just as expensive as Hinkley Point C and I do not see a future for such projects in the UK without a major change in our decision makers.
Therefore the future for nuclear in the UK can only come from the R&D of private companies developing SMRs and even smaller nuclear devices which are so cheap, reliable and safe that nuclear can no longer be ignored, especially when renewables will have been proven to be a failure at providing the “cheap, abundant always available at the flick of a switch” energy promised in the Net Zero Strategy (p19).
Agreed – the EPR was a ppor choice, and its problems were clear at the time the decision was made. Back then we should have selected the ABWR and pushed for the Wylfa deal to close.
You are so right, the decision not to proceed with Wylfa Newydd was possibly the biggest mistake of the Conservative Government. The new First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, is also to blame as on his first day in office he put a stop to Horizon’s plans to start work on site preparation, thereby knowingly adding costs to the considerable planning and development stage. This is why I have no time for Labour, and they are still claiming that wind turbines are the cheapest power generation technology, because many in their ranks are anti-nuclear. They are, in my opinion, an uneducated bunch of politicians and I fear for our future should they form the next Government.
Can we learn anything from Forsmark in Sweden, where the existing nuclear waste depository is being extended?
“The fact that nuclear energy, the only low CO2 emitting energy source which is affordable, abundant, reliable and secure has been ignored since the passing of the CCA in 2008 is one reason why I do not believe CAGW exists. The other reason being the work of Happer & Wijngaarden showing IR saturation means doubling CO2 produces negligible amounts of additional warming.”
Being in denial of the physical reality of climate change is not a smart look. In this case it’s clear you do not understand the way light is transmitted through the atmosphere. The basic physical reality of this was appreciated by John Tyndall in the 1850’s, Arrhenius in the 1890’s and Guy Callendar in the 1930s. The complex calculations were solved for the USAF to enable the use of infrared technology for defence applications. It’s complicated, but it’s not THAT complicated.
For people like you – typically engineers or chemist – I wrote it all out in a series of 4 articles some years ago, but you can just go and look up the on-line calculators that will compute the transmission in various bandwidths for any atmospheric profile you choose.
@Iain Reid
Even without the ‘global warming’ CO2 hypothesis burning fossil fuels for large scale electricity generation has made no technical sense since at least the 1970s due to the advantages of a power station that:
[1] only needs bi-yearly refuelling vs the logistic of coal/oil delivery or seasonal natural gas storage (I think using natural gas to generate electricity is wasteful & even for space heating is an unnecessary logistical challenge due to have peaky winter demand could be when its so useful as a raw material)
[2] the energy security advantages as you could stockpile 40+ years of fuel if you really wanted which has serious political implication for countries who historically don’t have coal or oil.
[3] Reduces air pollution as it displaces fossil fuel use
[4] security of supply – you can build nuclear power station reasonably close to the load reducing the amount and vulnerability of transmission infrastructure. Which in these these time of sabotage (see gas pipeline) is something to keep in mind.
[5] The fuel cost are negligible to the point that reducing output doesn’t save any money and may actually increase maintenance costs so it makes more sense to charge a fixed price (think like how telephone and broadband is now) for the capacity e.g 5 KVA instead of charging by the KW/h as inter-season storage of heat if practical with current technology.
The ironic thing is if wasn’t for the anti nuclear movement & serious conflict of interests look up the history of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model (did oil money fund questionable research that damaged a competitor?) electricity generation & space/water heating would have largely decarbonised on its own (except for places with lignite close to large urban areas) – I also suspect hybrid battery electric vehicles would have become a thing in the 1970s if electricity was no longer charged by the KW/h.
What really needs to be asked is why do we have 28+ GWe wind instead of 28+ GWe of nuclear capacity if the whole point of renewables is to decarbonise electricity generation when renewables can’t do with current technology unlike nuclear which could have eliminate the need for fossil generation with enough capacity and provided cheap electricity.
Is there a reason why the report doesn’t mention the CANDU especially as we don’t seem to have the heavy forging capacity for pressure vessels for PWR or BWR in the UK and the CANDU has being proposed as a way to use up Britain’s Civil plutonium store?
As I think our best option is to build near copies of an existing multi unit CANDU site like Darlington Nuclear Generating Station or Bruce as we can fast track the approval of the CANDU and British engineers have worked on the refurbishments in Ontario so I think we could get building within a year and substantial level of capacity built in 5 years.
A small (but topical) point in the overall context of the blog post – the representation of GHG from biomass in the first graph you use, is ridiculous. It’s based on the carbon accounting convention that only takes into account GHGs arising from the process of felling trees / conversion to woodchips / transportation & storage.
In truth, CO2 from wood pellet burning at the point of combustion per unit power is greater than that of coal – inevitably so, because of the lower energy density of biomass. If the ‘carbon debt’ incurred is only 1 year, it might safely be ignored. That can be the case with short-cycle biomass such as miscanthus etc, or some genuine waste products from the forestry and timber industries.
But this is not what characterizes large-scale biomass, much as the industry would have you believe it does. When (as is the case with wood pellets when produced in tens of millions of tonnes p.a. to the high-grade fuel quality required by the very large biomass generators) the carbon debt is measured in decades, centuries or even never recovered at all, it cannot be ignored in the manner of that graph.
I agree, but it wasn’t relevant to the post so I left it. “Biomass” is a wide church and varies significantly in its level of sustainability depending on the type.
My starting point was technologies that have been propoed for UK based projects, which to my knowledge, CANDU has not. I later added the APR-1400 after the review process.
Michae :
“Being in denial of the physical reality of climate change is not a smart look.”
I didn’t say I didn’t believe in climate change. I said I didn’t believe in CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming). Of course there is climate change. There always has been and there always will be. In fact it is the CAGW believers who are the climate change deniers as they deny there was any climate change before the Industrial Revolution. So for them the last ice age which ended around 11,000 years ago, the non-anthropogenic warming to take us out of this ice age, the Minoan, Roman (vines up by Hadrian’s Wall) and Medieval warm periods (barley was grown in Greenland) never existed, nor the Little Ice Age from which we are still exiting at 0.13 degrees C per decade.
They also deny the science from the Antarctic Vostok and Greenland ice core data showing CO2 follows temperature.
“The complex calculations were solved for the USAF to enable the use of infrared technology for defence applications. It’s complicated, but it’s not THAT complicated.”
Are you referring to the suggestion by William Happer to use a yellow laser beam to produce an artificial guide star in the sky by exciting the sodium atoms in the in mesosphere in the direction of an incoming missile so as to eliminate atmospheric turbulence through adaptive optics so a laser beam could be more accurately target an incoming missile?
If of interest you should watch his Tom Nelson Podcast video which explains:
This video also explains why there is no global warming caused by increasing levels of CO2 (natural or anthropogenic) because of IR saturation. Happer & Wijngaarden’s calculations on the real atmosphere, including water vapour (omitted in the IPCC models), fit perfectly with the measured data above the equator and at Mediterranean latitudes and fit so well that they even show correctly that CO2 COOLS rather than warms above Antarctica.
I come for the blogs, I stay for the comments…
Keep up the great work Kathryn, dispiriting though it is to think that our short-termist governments are sleepwalking into an energy shortfall disaster.
Pedantic Fan, I agree Kathryn is doing a great job, I just hope it finally gets heard by our not so great politicians.
Thanks! The amount of abuse I’ve been getting recently suggests I must be making an impact!
Evening…. A great posting on the sensitive subject of Nuclear Energy.
A timely reference as we approach the festive season of family gatherings.
I never judge or get bogged down in the science.
However as a retired engineer I like to answer questions with a measure of accuracy.
Just part of my quest in attempt to correct all the misinformation out there.
“What about nuclear waste” is the current favorite.
Thanks Kathryn for an excellent posting on the many aspects associated with nuclear materials.
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
Kathryn, thank you for yet another excellent article. I am a newcomer to the energy space, trying to self-educate in detail on the realities of the decarbonisation transition (which I believe to be a necessity), and your blog is one of the very best resources I have come across.
I have a few follow-up questions to this post, which I’d really value your (and others) views on:
1/ You advocate for new, fully-state funded, large scale nuclear plants – how concerned should we be at the Hinckley Point C experience (currently 2 years late and budget 100% increased from £16bn to £32bn)? Do you believe that full state funding would alleviate in any way the problems that have beset HPC, and how?
2/ I’m assuming you’d agree there will always be a need for non-intermittent capacity well in excess of peak demand… current gas+nuclear baseload is I believe about 125% of 2022 peak demand and roughly 80% gas … do you have a point of view, or have you seen any convincing models, suggesting how much the share of nuclear should be, of a baseload that provides this level of cover? Obviously it’s largely an imponderable given the variables of price, technologies etc – but the long-term planning involved needs some form of rationale for targets.
3/ Do you believe that the launch of GBN earlier this year is all we can/should be doing to support the availability and onboarding of SMR capacity?
4/ Are these the right questions to be asking?
Many thanks !
And as a follow-on reply to myself (I don’t think you can edit posts once made?)
Is the answer to point 2 as follows:
At all times there is a need for (say) 130% baseload cover of forecast peak demand. This means Nuclear + Gas
Ideally we would determine what supply of gas can be obtained cost-effectively and securely and we would build out Nuclear capacity to provide the balance.
(We would also build out utility wind to at least the same capacity as gas, to reduce the use of the gas baseload as much as possible – lower costs and carbon – and incentivise the adoption of embedded renewables and energy efficiency to reduce transmission level demand as much as possible)
However, given the timescales that apply to nuclear capacity build, it is impossible to create meaningful forecasts around gas cost, security, etc. Any assumptions that are made to this effect are at best a watering-down of our decarbonisation efforts and at worst dangerous gambles with our national energy security
Therefore the only satisfactory approach is to (a) secure viable gas supply for the medium term but critically (b) keep building out nuclear capacity as fast as financially possible until such time as EITHER we have full baseload cover from nuclear OR the next disruptive technology (utility scale storage, hydrogen, fusion) reaches maturity and guarantees a pathway to an alternative baseload.
Obviously, once built, either large or small reactors are very long term commitments but one might take the view that relatively high energy costs for most of the the 21st century are a price worth paying for ongoing security of supply and decarbonisation combined.
Your self-reply is well considered. My only comments would be that uncontrollable embedded generation triggered the power surge and consequent widespread and damaging network blackout in 2019. Therefore embedded generation has to be controllable by the Network Operator at both the distribution and national transmission level. This may make some types of domestic generation more expensive to run and administer. And SMR technologies being developed offer more load following capabilities than the current nuclear power stations do so we may need far less gas and wind on the system.
Thanks for your reply.
Having looked a little closer at “total system costs” of renewables, it seems there is a possible counter-narrative in favour of offshore wind as follows … again, all thoughts very welcome:
As Kathryn’s article above makes clear, nuclear is far safer than generally thought, and the issue of waste is dramatically overstated. Nevertheless, delivery timescales are the longest of all technologies (10 years +), capital costs are extremely high and both remain seemingly impossible to manage with any reliability. The Hinckley Point C saga is just the latest of a long list across Europe and the world.
The article, from a very reliable and credible author, does not point out any obvious means of addressing these issues. SMR technology is alluring but still very immature and early projects appear to suffer from the same issues as their larger cousins (cf Nuscale in Utah)
Offshore wind may not be anywhere as cheap as has been widely touted using LCOE reasoning but:
– Overall, delivery of new projects run to more reliable timelines
– Even with total systems cost accounted for the strike price looks markedly less than nuclear (see footnote below)
– Once operational we are committed to the index linked strike price for 20-25 years rather than 60-80 in the case of nuclear. Decomissioning is not cheap but far easier than nuclear.
– There is local and national resistance but far less than in the case of nuclear
So the counter-argument for wind is:
– We will always be largely reliant on gas for baseload even if we double or triple our current nuclear capacity
– Therefore, and in light of the arguments listed above, whilst awaiting the next big technological breakthrough, let’s halt on nuclear and instead maximise wind capacity as the means of minimising use of gas and thus carbon emissions.
Variable Renewable Energy Total System Costs (VRETSC)There are a few studies on this topic available online. Most of the ones I have found are clearly biased to try and show VRETSCs as either very low or very high.
The most credible study I have so far is the 2016 study by UKERC, updated in a 2020 article in Nature Energy. It concludes that at lower levels of VRE penetration (up to 35% of the mix) the VRETSC would be around EUR 15 / £13/kwh, growing to the order of EUR 30 / £26/kwh at 85% levels of penetration – assuming that this cost reflected a level of ongoing investment in system flexibility and capacity.
The general thrust of the article is that VRETSCs tend to be overstated:
“(Our review) does not demonstrate that wind or solar is cheaper than new nuclear in every instance but it does provide strong evidence to suggest that it is important to avoid simplistic claims that suggest that system integration costs are large.”
If we increase the figures above by an aggressive 20% to reflect the inflationary surge and get to 2023 values, we get £15.6/kwh (at 35% penetration) and £31.2/kwh (at 85% penetration). In round numbers this would mean about £20/kwh to add to strike prices agreed in AR6 next spring.
Let’s assume that this figure encapsulates just the ‘non beneficial’ costs driven by wind connectivity and variability – not costs that will be holistically of benefit to the wider system.
Let’s also assume that offshore wind will be higher than this rough average for all renewables, at an additional £25/kwh
So assuming (under the new bidding cap of £77/kwh) that we get average strike prices of £70, total lifecycle cost for offshore wind will be (70+25) £95/kwh – about 13% more expensive than gas at current prices and on a ‘total cost’ comparison. The HPC strike price is about £114 in current values.
It’s a price point that would be much higher than LCOE costing suggests, but also far more affordable than claims of “trillions of pounds to upgrade the grid” would have us believe. It should also go down in subsequent allocation rounds as (if) supply chain costs abate and the grid becomes more ‘intelligent’, lowering balancing costs.
The Rutherford Appleton lab takes me back to when I worked at Harwell, and they had a cyclotron and a linear accelerator among their toys. The article you refer to is here:
It does have a good qualitative discussion that raises many of the issues. It draws its data from a range of countries, while pointing out that specific circumstances matter. Incidentally I hope integration costs aren’t going to be £15.6/kWh! A lot of its conclusions are however based on assumptions rather than looking at the wider reality.
If we compare Hinkley Point, now estimated at £32bn for 3.2GW, and with a sweetheart financing deal that pays 10% to the Chinese it looks very expensive compared with the $25bn for 5.6GW (4×1.4GW) at Barakah, UAE using Korean technology, built faster than the workforce was trained which delayed startup. Japanese designs have also been built on time and on budget in 4-5 years. Over a 40 year life, the financing cost is a smidgen more than the interest rate, and of we take output as 8TWh per year per GW of capacity we find that the current CFD value is slightly lower than the LCOE of Hinkley Point. However, Barakah comes in much cheaper on account of lower capital cost and lower debt cost – well less than half the cost. Nuclear can be done cost effectively if you choose a well proven design and iterate, which is what the French did in the 1970s and 80s.
If we look at what has actually happened in the UK, wind plus CCGT has replaced coal and nuclear baseload generation, with the result that there has been little to no reduction in gas use so far, because gas is now being used to fill in when when is absent in baseload. Renewables intermittency is a big problem, and TPTB are only just beginning to admit that the problem exists: the Royal Society report on large scale storage a few months ago is really the first semi official study to point out that volumes of storage required are gargantuan: they came up with 123TWh in their base case, which still made lots of Hopium assumptions about future costs and efficiency that are a long way from current realities. Such a storage system needs a large level of overbuild to account for round trip losses and the inevitability that it is not economic to try to harvest the highest surpluses fully, since the assets required to do so get little use. Absent costly storage you get rising levels of curtailment as renewables output starts to exceed lower levels of demand from time to time, and then as capacity grows, those surpluses become bigger, while medium demand hours also start to suffer from periodic overproduction. These surpluses are essentially worthless if storage cannot use them economically. That means that any actual LCOE is no longer a good metric, because renewables must earn their keep from the output that has value, rather than all the output they could make. Storage economics depend on round trip losses and on the frequency with which the storage is turned over. If turnover is daily, as with pumped storage pumping at night to provide extra power during the rush hour peak, then there are 365 opportunities to make money per year., and the margin required on each is relatively low. If the storage only operates seasonally, then there is basically one opportunity to make money each year, and the margin must pay for the full annual cost. Renewables output tends to be seasonal, which is why the storage requirement turns out to be high: it is even higher to allow for changing weather patterns over timespans of years that can mean low, below average levels of output for extended periods.
We are already seeing big increases in grid costs. In 2008/9, transmission network TNUoS charges were £1.35bn – the grid “before renewables” was relatively low cost, and carried 400TWh in the peak year. By 2018/19, the cost had escalated to £2.7bn even though demand had dropped, and the charges for 2023/24 are £4.1bn – 3 times already what they were 15 years ago. National Grid has a £200bn+ investment programme between now and 2035 which would add ~£10bn p.a. to those charges. Demand currently is only around 270TWh per year., so the unit cost has risen substantially: unit charges are now over 4 times what they were.
Much the same is true of balancing costs, which were £5-600m p.a., and have now ballooned to around £4bn p.a., so the cost is 7-8 times higher, or 10-12 times in unit cost terms.
So while the qualitative discussion by UKERC is useful as far as it goes (at least if you learn to read between the lines on their caveats) I think that actual costs have outpaced their assumptions by a substantial margin, and there is much worse to come if we continue to pursue a renewables dominated grid. Beyond about 60% penetration we reach the point where the useful generation of an additional wind farm starts diminishing rapidly: most of its output comes at times that are already in surplus, while its contribution on windless days remains desultory.
Thank you for this very comprehensive reply – and for gently pointing out my slipup on kwh vs mwh ! I will take time to properly read through this weekend This level of discussion is invaluable for improving the knowledge of non-technical newcomers like myself who are trying to form a properly-considered point of view. Thanks again.
Some very interesting comments.
However I was reading an article in The Engineer about the Rolls-Royce SMR and it is still waiting. approval. It was interesting in that as, I and others commented on an article (on the same web site) of 7 years ago referring to the same reactor being almost ready and waiting.
I am not sure if this is due to government lethargy or lack of awareness of urgency – or possibly negative briefings from elsewhere or a (worryingly) doctrinaire opposition to innovation and naïve belief that companies will offer their existing designs and these will be the best.
I am not sure what Great British Nuclear is all about; their presence on the web is , disappointingly underwhelming.
Are they going to be involved with reactor (and waste burner) and fuel design or they going to address limiting manufacturing/repair technologies (that cause difficulties) – such as fusion welding and corrosion . There seems to be singular lack of urgency and dynamism there – which is worrying if prospects and protypes need to be developed or funded anytime soon
Hi…..Government or Rolls-Royce (R/R), lethargy or bureaucracy I also question the delays associated with SMR’s in the UK. More so with a technology that’s been in service powering military vessels over some 30 years. I’ll take on board there could be security issues should there be a proliferation of SMR’s across the nation all in private ownership, a valid reason maybe. In the meantime there are many major companies pursuing development of SMR’s. Kathryn’s reference to the Westinghouse I found particularly interesting. A 5MW on site bulk supply point transported, assembled & commissioned in 30 days followed by 8+ years full power availability before refueling; impressive. A serious heads up for R/R. I’m sure there are likely to be several others giants in the race……Barry Wright….Lancashire.
Hi…..Government or Rolls-Royce (R/R), lethargy or bureaucracy I also question the delays associated with SMR’s in the UK. More so with a technology that’s been in service powering military vessels over some 30 years. I’ll take on board there could be security issues should there be a proliferation of SMR’s across the nation all in private ownership, a valid reason maybe. In the meantime there are many major companies pursuing development of SMR’s. Kathryn’s reference to the Westinghouse I found particularly interesting. A 5MW on site bulk supply point transported, assembled & commissioned in 30 days followed by 8+ years full power availability before refueling; impressive. A serious heads up for R/R. I’m sure there are likely to be several others giants in the race……Barry Wright….Lancashire.
OOP’s……..apologies for the double posting, unsure how, or if deletion of the duplicate entry is possible.
Thank for that Barry. I did notice (in The Engineer) that Rolls-Royce are getting into such reactors.
See also and (from Office of Nuclear Energy). though I feel that they are over-egging the concept (millisecond response time sounds optimistic as the delayed neutron average response time is 0.1 seconds….)
As to heat pipe technology: – describes sodium heat pipes used. But it is worth noting that there still be a need to address corrosion and cracking in fusion welds (especially for high temperature water or lead) – for pipework or heat exchangers (including steam generators) at elevated temperatures (I believe AGRs operated at higher temperatures ~650C. So material and manufacturing issues remain – which is a pity as the re is plenty of room for innovative research there.