Britain’s national energy system operator (“NESO”) has a statutory duty to maintain the frequency with which current and voltage varies on the GB grid at 50 Hz +/- 1%. It also has an operational range which it may only exceed for 1500 minutes per year of +/- 0.4%. I have been surprised to discover just how often the operational limits have been breached. And in December 2023, the statutory limit was breached with little fanfare.
Typically the market notices frequency excursions that result from major outages. So far this winter, there were major trips of the NSL and Viking interconnectors that sent frequency tumbling, and a near simultaneous outage of IFA2 and the Langage CCGT which had a similar impact. However, most excursions are not caused by trips but by a gradual upward or downward drift in grid frequency, which is arguably more concerning.
In this post I will look at frequency data and the regularity with which the operational limit is breached. I will look at whether there are trends in these data, and consider what this means for the power system in the context of the Government’s widely criticised clean power 2030 ambitions.
Grid frequency frequently breaches operational limits
Having noticed the number of sudden drops in frequency this winter I began to look more carefully at the data. I downloaded the 15-second frequency data from the BMRS portal for the past four years (which is all that’s available on the new version of BMRS). I also obtained the 1-second data from the NESO portal and then aggregated back to the 15-second level. The reason for expanding the time interval is that the 1-second data is unwieldy and in leap years, exceeds the number of rows in an Excel sheet! It took about 5 hours to gather data for one season, so I made full use of the 15-second data available through BMRS.
I should also mention that the data are very flaky, particularly more recently. There are a lot of data outages ie gaps in the reporting, and there are also multiple occurrences of zero values appearing. In order to smooth these out, I replace missing or zero values with either data the previous interval, or, if there are multiple zero or missing data points, I took the average of the previous and subsequent real values and populated the missing spaces with those. This is somewhat arbitrary, but Excel does not deal well with gaps in time series, and empty or spurious zero valued cells would skew the data, implying there were limit breaches when probably there were not. This means I essentially assume that at none of the times where data were missing or zero there was an actual limit breach, so the results tend towards being on the conservative side. This may or may not be legitimate, but even a few hours of missing data over a six-month period is not that material.
I then analysed the number of 15-second intervals in each winter season for which the operation or statutory limits were breached. The results are in the table below. As can be seen, in the past 4 years, there have been c 500 times the upper operational limit was breached, but in 2017 – 2019 the number was higher. The lower limit has tended to be breached less often – 2022 was an outlier with a very high number of breaches. There has also been a consistent trend of lower limit breaches increasing in frequency, which is consistent with falling grid inertia (see chart).
What is also interesting is that Winter 2024 is on track to be one of the worst years for operational limit breaches, despite the fact that so far this winter, grid inertia has actually been increasing.
This fits with the expected picture that the grid is becoming less reliable. It is also interesting that when individual occurrences are inspected, it is more often the case that frequency has drifted outside the operational range rather than suddenly falling out as would be expected from an outage. This is more worrying as it points to a general difficulty in maintaining stable frequency – things will always break and trip, and the grid is designed to deal with that, but these drifts outside the range speak more to a wider reduction in stability versus what is expected.
I looked at the size of frequency variations over 5-second intervals. A 0.3 Hz variation is considered significant in the control room – these are actually quite rare, 0.2 Hz moves are more common, but still not that typical – smaller moves are much more likely, as can be seen from the chart above. There is a small trend of increasing larger jumps, but the numbers are too low for this to be statistically significant. What is interesting is that in the absence of large jumps, the times that frequency moves outside operational limits is more typically due to drift rather than jumps that can be linked to the loss of large units of generation or interconnectors.
Statutory breach, December 2023
According to NESO, the reasons for this event were trips on IFA bipole 1 (1000 MW) and the Cottam CCGT (383 MW). There was a simultaneous, co-incidental outage on the Caithness-Moray HVDC link.
According to the National Electricity Transmission System Performance Report 2023 – 24 there were no reportable frequency excursions in 2023-24.When asked, NESO told me this is because The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 requires and frequency excursions 1% above or below 50Hz (ie outside 49.5 t0 50.5Hz) that last for 60 seconds or more to be reported. The excursion on 22 December 2023 “only” lasted for 59.3 seconds so just under the 1-minute level. However, when I read the Regulations, I see no mention of a 60 second grace period, and my request for further clarification from NESO has gone un-answered. If any of my readers can shed light on this I would be grateful.
Pulling all of this together, what can we conclude? I would say that the grid is significantly less robust than most people think, and that NESO is doing a surprisingly good job of maintaining grid frequency in the face of falling inertia. But I would also say that operating at the margins as we seem to be, is a recipe for disaster – a lot of things have to keep going right for the grid to be maintained in stable operation, and it seems that this is becoming harder over time. There is griwing concern in the market that things will not keep going right and that at some point, something will go wrong and the grid will fail, triggering blackouts. And as I have often warned in the past, blackouts in winter would likely result in fatalities due to road accidents and accidents in the home, particularly among the elderly.
This may well become a limiting factor for CP2030, as there are real questions about how grid stability can be maintained if the use of conventional generation is reduced so quickly. The deployment of things like synchronous condensers would have to be accelerated to support the grid, and it’s unclear that these plans are sufficiently well developed to guarantee grid performance in a low inertia environment.
If the power grid is operating at its margins today, this does not bode well for the accelerated transition the Government is pushing for, with potentially risky consequences.
Note: I wanted to use an image of conductor galloping for my blog image, but there weren’t any good ones, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to post this video from 1986. The quality isn’t great but it’s interesting to see the extent of wind impact on pylons and power lines which are not actually that high in absolute terms – GB itself being relatively flat. An early Christmas present for the energy nerds out there!
The conclusion should be on the front page of the “traditional” media and all over LinkedIn.
This is like paddling across the top of the Niagara Falls in a kayak
What is the basis of the frequency limits? I appreciate it wasn’t arbitrarily set but when you lack to the CEA days they had much more frequency drift and mainly worried about electric clocks not being correct albeit I understand sustained under frequency can cause equipment damage. NESO is deploying numerous new ancillary services to manage frequency drift like the Dynamic Moderation, Dynamic Containment and Dynamic Regulation what are NESO and perhaps more importantly OFGEMs assessment of whether they are delivering the necessary outcomes to maintain system stability.
The video is something else by the way.
Hi all…
“The video is something else by the way”
Very much on my patch back in vanished years.
James Exton my friend & colleague delivered the commentary.
Whilst nothing could be achieved in such conditions James & his team had the presence of mind to visit the site with a hand held camera filming conditions & battered infrastructure as it happened, in itself an achievement. Meanwhile some 30 miles away at sea level a full year ahead outage/resource plan due to start January 1987 was binned; Christmas a non event that year. The video is the only record of actual events & has been viewed world wide. I would be grateful for any steer on how the quality of this important record could be enhanced.
Your excellent posting Kathryn is a tough call highlighting the fragility of the Super-grid.
Would it cope with the serious weather event of November 1986 today ?
Here’s a plug for High Speed Auto-re-close (HSA) employed across the network for some 50 years. Trip/re-close in milliseconds plus fault location, a great contribution to keeping the lights on. This posting & personal involvement causes me to research further on how quickly we were able to restore circuits temporary or otherwise in the aftermath of events on November 1986.
Watch this space…..A Happy Christmas to all
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
All credit to those guys totally respect for people who go out in all weathers to keep the lights on. They rarely get any acknowledgement for it and generally whinging from politicians about how long its taking to get power back on.
You half expect the pylons to march off across the moor, swinging their insulators like robot arms, playing with skipping ropes. I can imagine the systems of coupled differential equations to describe the behaviour. Perhaps amplified by huge variations in electric fields between the lines as the oscillations occur, at least while the line was still energised. Also reminiscent of the Tacoma Narrows bridge:
Unwanted resonances are a problem for the electrical side of the grid as well as the physical cable oscillations. They caused Hornsea 1 to trip offline in the August 2019 blackout.
“Perhaps amplified by huge variations in electric fields between the lines as the oscillations occur, at least while the line was still energised. Also reminiscent of the Tacoma Narrows bridge”
Hi all….much more to do with ice initially forming symmetrically around the conductors then shaped by high wind creating a wing like profile & lift, causing oscillations way beyond what the conductor dampers are designed to cope with. Once in unison conductor clashing mid span is unavoidable. I hope to post how long we took to restore circuits following the November 1986 faults; why do I consider this relevant today ?
Major faults to underground supergrid cables often take months, sometimes longer to return to service, rarely acknowledged in overhead line/power cable debates.
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
Valuable insights. I wonder how much work has been done on assessing the vulnerability of the new pylon and cable designs.
Perhaps not enough design evaluation?
A few years ago a double trip caused a serious frequency reduction for around 1 minute.
Most modern trains tripped automatically. It took several hours to manually reset and get the railway back up…
That was summer 2019 when a lightning strike took out Hornsea 1 and then Little Barford, plus about 500 MW embedded generation. But as it was in August, it created inconvenience rather than danger, although I think some companies were in trouble because their backup generators didn’t work.
The trains affected were from Siemens the majority of UK electric trains were not affected. Siemens had changed a setting on “rate of frequency change” all done in software to protect against transformer damage but the output was to shut the train down and not give the driver the opportunity to Ctrl Alt Del. The software has been subsequently modified such that the driver can do this now.
Article has too many undefined abbreviations to understand well. WIN is winter? GB grid out-turn inertia not clear. Stored rotational energy would be GW-seconds, not GVA seconds.
Good bit of analysis! I think the conclusion you nearly come to Kathryn is that surely the Grid will have to start procuring more DFR services, no? BTW, why do we have operational limits AND statutory frequency limits? Why not just the statutory ones?
Let us hope that the ‘energy nerds’ will also receive some socks, handkerchieves and chocolates otherwise they will be having a truly bleak Christmas!!
Are you sure you are coming to the correct conclusion. I believe it was quite windy on that date and the grid is trying to use as much renewables as possible. It’s not that they don’t have enough power to call upon but that as you say there was a lack of inertia as the ccgt are turned off. A lack of inertia is something that the grid will have to deal with more as they transition to more renewables. A few nuclear power stations should help with this.
Why not admit the CO2 scam is just that … A scam. And imagine; the economic VICTORY for the poorer here in our home nation and the GLOBE (Africa) once we are released from the Nut Zero insanity !!!??
“Why not admit the CO2 scam is just that … A scam. And imagine; the economic VICTORY for the poorer here in our home nation and the GLOBE (Africa) once we are released from the Nut Zero insanity !!!?? “
Hi all…this scam is a massive transfer globally of wealth from the poor to the rich IMO. Accelerated here in the UK by net zero, causing similar from both the poor & now including the middle classes to the rich, causing so much anger & discontent across the electorate.
Low cost electricity would lift millions globally out of poverty.
Why is electricity generated from nuclear energy never included in COP summit agenda’s ?
Imagine electricity at a standard flat rate of 15/20p per kWh which is were we could be if the nuclear builds in the 1970/80’s been allowed to develop rather than suffer risk averse over regulation & frustration. Result, the UK it seems is now behind the rest of the world in successful big nuclear builds. Hinckley Point C decades of delay & over budget by billions (est 2029/31). Sizewell C to follow (est 2034) both are of EPR design. Aired on this forum suggest there are other more successful designs that we should be seeking now to replace our aging nuclear fleet.
Barry Wright, Lancashire.
I’ve downloaded all the 1-second NESO data and with another tool (Python Pandas et. al.) from 2019 to Nov 2024 which yielded about 187 million records. Easily handled by Pandas. For every record in the database there is a number so at first glance I’m not finding missing data. But I’ve not yet check that every 1-second timestamp across those ~6 years is present. I do notice that one whole month seems missing from their web site. I’ll check that later.
I’d like to replicate your analysis with same algorithms for your data munging, computing operational breaches and whatever else you are computing. Would you be able to send me a copy of your spreadsheet but of course only show a few hundred records.
I’ve progressed on using 1-second data from 2014 through Jan 2025. An interesting result, at leas to me, is the increased “bifurcation” of frequencies as shown in histograms for each year. The “wideness” of the bifurcation seems to be increasing over time. I don’t know the implications of this on the grid. But it looks like they don’t often hit the 50 Hz target.
Graphs a a few stats at
Interesting stuff. The annual level charts show the effects of transition between the analogue methods of frequency control in the early years and the digital battery support that has followed. The toothcomb effects on the frequency distribution are almost certainly digital artifacts with in practice a stepped rather than strictly linear delivery of power as frequency varies, although the toothcomb has been tamed somewhat in later years. The lack of prints close to 50Hz is probably the consequence of deadbands in the battery frequency support contracts, and NESO opting to reduce procurement of support with a narrower headband. The result is that frequency wanders until it hits a level at which batteries act to stabilise it.
You can find technical details of the various contracts here
If you look at frequency traces of events that push frequency outside the +/-0.2Hz operating band you can see the stamp of batteries with periods when the frequency oscillates every few seconds while not otherwise trending much. This appears to be an instability caused by the batteries interacting with each other instead of working together to maintain a smooth return to target levels.
If you wanted to do further research I would suggest that looking at whether there is a different apparent policy according to time of day (by hour is probably sufficient granularity), or according to how much inertia there is on the system, perhaps proxied by share of CCGT generation. I believe before renewables became significant there was a tendency to run just below 50Hz in the daytime, with some speeding up overnight to catch up with clock time so that the total number of cycles per day was close to 50x24x3600, keeping clocks that ran on synchronous motors to time. I recall learning at school that it was quite common to have 1-2 minutes of catch-up overnight. During the Texas freeze in 2021 the ERCOT grid was running at least 8 minutes slow at one point.
The other area of interest and what Kathryn has focused on is analysing frequency events when frequency strays outside the operational tolerance band. To get the best handle on that you need to include a few seconds prior to departure from the band to capture the start of any trip and to be able to measure the maximum rate of change caused (which usually occurs at the beginning if an incident), and the extent if the frequency excursions compared with the previously prevailing levels. NESO do eventually provide some report of larger incidents, but these are often at least 6 months in arrears.
Thanks for the comments and ideas. I’m continuing my explorations (at an amateur’s pace!).
I’ve progressed on using 1-second data from 2014 through Jan 2025. An interesting result, at leas to me, is the increased “bifurcation” of frequencies as shown in histograms for each year. The “wideness” of the bifurcation seems to be increasing over time. I don’t know the implications of this on the grid. But it looks like they don’t often hit the 50 Hz target.
Graphs a a few stats at
Despite fighting autocorrect several times, on posting it still managed to turn deadbands (with 3 Ds) into headbands (with an H in place of a D).
Interesting analysis, thanks.
How much of this drift has been due to the reduction of power being transmitted through the grid. When the UK was generating over 400TWh per annum, surely as the power has decreased to 300TWh per annum, by simple physics, inertia will also decrease concommitently?
If we are using 25% less electricity, wouldn’t we expect inertia to be 25% lower overall anyway?
Isn’t the problem that some supplies are so large relative to the total, that if one drops out, you are literally taking 4% of the supply out, say 1GW link in 25GW supply. Surely the answer is to reduce the size of each link to say 250MW each, and have more links/supplies if each is less reliable than other supplies. Was the drop in frequency of only 0.6Hz due to the 1GW link was actually transmitting less than it’s full power rating of 1GW at the time?
There are technical reasons why inertia is reported in GVAs rather than GWs or GJ, in just the same way as reactive power is quoted in MVAr, and why transformer and transmission line and motor and generator capacities are also measured in VA units. It’s quite common to quote inertia levels in seconds, dividing by demand. It gives a feel for the reaction time available to handle a frequency excursion due to a trip of a generator or interconnector. That obviously also depends on the size of the trip.
Another thing I would be interested in, is concerning the synchronous condensers. When were they installed on the grid, and became operational? Is the fact that WIN-24 has returned to WIN-16 levels indicating that things are back to “normal”?…….and solved many of the difficulties?
I think i have traced the most recent incarnation of the sixty second rule here:
Also useful is this backgrounder on the modifications made in 2014: note the idea of 4 trips per year at a larger infeed loss as the trigger to reset the standard.
From the 24/12 Transparency Forum:
Q (21/11/2024):
In the overnight period between the evening of 20th November and morning of 21st November,
we noticed large frequency dips occur exactly on the half hour, every half hour. This was a sharp frequency
drop every time occurring in every half hour. Please can NESO explain: 1) why this is happening, 2) why at this
interval, and 3) why the frequency is only decreasing (i.e. not increasing)?
During this period the frequency remained within operational limits (49.8 and 50.2Hz) throughout the night.
Frequency moves on the half hour are generally due to suppliers
teleswitching demand and/or embedded
generation on the DNO networks selling / buying energy in half hour blocks. NESO currently has limited visibility
and control of these embedded generation / demand switching events. Also, interconnector swings can occur
on the hour and can be accompanied with trades on embedded generation.
Frequency moves due to half hour energy blocks can go up as well as down as energy blocks move with
agile/day ahead energy prices. The changes in energy prices determine the direction of load changes and
therefore frequency changes.
I also found this snarky reply to questions about the 22nd December incident:
The loss of the Caithness-Moray HVDC link was not categorised as a Fault Ride-Through (FRT) event neither a transmission fault (OC3.4.1.a.ii and OC3.4.1.c) and also it doesn’t fit the GC reportable criteria of under-voltage, over-voltage or voltage dips of >50% based on the available data. Therefore, ESO haven’t included this under the December 2023 GC0105 nor GC0151. After the CM HVDC incident, 260MW embedded generation loss was reported from Scottish DNOs.
ESO is happy to issue a revised version of the report on Dec 2023 GC0105 to add further clarity to the event. In addition, we will update the Additional data field for this event (Any other data to gain a clearer understanding of the incident and its potential implications) about the CM HVDC trip to provide extra information.
GC0105, 20231222-1 event updates:
RoCoF (Hz/s): -0.125, -0.062,-0.199
EG (MW): 260MW
Additional data: “Caithness-Moray HVDC link coincidently tripped with the event.
WOrth noting that with very little fanfare, NESO have cut the minimum inertia to 120GVAs from 19th June. They are hoping to go as low as 105GVAs by the end of the year, in a bid to be able to run the grid with no fossil fuel generation at times. See